8x6-Element-DK7ZB at SK3W Whow... what a tower! |
6-Element-Yagi for the 2m-Band with the 28-Ohm-DK7ZB-Match
2,40m-Boom 9,9dBd 24dB F/B
DO1IR built up the 6-Ele.-Yagi and tested the reflection with the HP-Networkanalyzer HP 8713C:
Refl | Rad | Dir 1 | Dir 2 | Dir 3 | Dir 4 |
0 | 390 | 640 | 1150 | 1785 | 2380 |
Elementlengths, Radiator always 10mm diameter!
Diameter | Refl | Rad (10mm) | Dir 1 | Dir 2 | Dir 3 | Dir 4 |
10mm | 1017mm | 971mm | 935mm | 907mm | 905mm | 876mm |
8mm | 1019mm | 971mm | 942mm | 914mm | 912mm | 884mm |
6mm | 1021mm | 971mm | 948mm | 921mm | 920mm | 892mm |
4mm | 1023mm | 971mm | 955mm | 930mm | 929mm | 903mm |